You could come with any kind of pains
You could come with any kind of loss
You could come with simply a lack of
energy or a love for life & you will leave
feeling either healed or hopeful …
It’s the grace of the Universe.

A Divinely Guided Healer & Therapist with 20+ years in service, Pratima puts her faith in divine guidance and heals intuitively. Each of us is on a different journey that entails a different, personalized healing pathway.

It’s all about feeling stronger &

standing taller.


*Healing sessions are conducted through prior appointments only.

From Rising Star Healings to Bach flower Remedies to EFT & more, there’s a list of modalities to choose from, for your healing journey.


Learning these modalities with a community of like-minded people is a healing journey in itself.
Our intimate workshops are held every quarter & are open to anyone with the intent to carry light & heal.

Telegram Courses

Learn at your own pace!
Join one of our telegram learning groups based on your instinct & interest.
Learn the modality through reading &
see the magic for yourself !


*Pratima Panjuani priorities the privacy of her clients. She values integrity & keeps her client’s issues very confidential. Hence, does not prefer to share the names of her clients under the testimonials. (She can put false names but prefers not to lie)*

"It was my finest decision to undergo consultation with you. It has changed me alot positively.Problems just disappear somehow now. I feel much happier and satisfied with what I have.There is s newer and optimistic point of view towards life.Thanks alot!"


"It was great knowing a few facts of life that God gives u what ever we wish for And to learn to speak up for ur ownself And def if asked to God by whole heartedly then he definately grants That is true I guess after I met u my realations with my sister inlaw has improved We had discussed my conflicts with her Ty so much"


"I always regretted about my life as bad things happened in past But post doing EFT and access bars I saw change in my attitude towards life and that helped me to achieve faith, happiness, confidence. Im now happily married with a loving kid Thank u pratimaben. Ur my guide, my angel."


"I always regretted about my life as bad things happened in past But post doing EFT and access bars I saw change in my attitude towards life and that helped me to achieve faith, happiness, confidence. Im now happily married with a loving kid Thank u pratimaben. Ur my guide, my angel."

Homepathic Doctor

"After the healing and counseling I was very positive Nd the Bach flower remedies also helped me. I still practice alot of your affirmation and self healing. Helps me come out of anxiety and I can deal with situations positively. No complains. Alot to be thankful for. I am very thankful to you . You really You really helped me change my thinking"

Fashion Designer

Everyone has the power to heal themselves

Whether you are looking to release old patterns, heal past traumas,
connect with your true purpose or simply start off on your calling
towards the spiritual path, we are here to support you.

Reach Out to us When You Feel Ready
Till then, Know that the Universe is with you.
Stay Blessed.